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Your Shamanic Priestess Templates  (6).p

You are loved
You are worthy
You are deserving
of  your true heart's desires


I am deeply grateful and honored that you are here.  The healing energies and vibrations flow through me to assist in your awakening of the healer within.  My sessions support you in bringing clarity on your journey of life through heartfelt mind, body, and spiritual healing.  Open your heart to remembering the love deep within you. "Self-full" love nourishes and fills you up to overflowing and radiates out into the universe.  I am overjoyed and excited to accompany you on this most sacred healing journey!


Sending you Blessings, Deep Gratitude, and Love!

Your Shamanic Priestess Templates  (1).p

Upcoming Events

  • Nourish: An embodied experience of healing and mindfulness
    Nourish: An embodied experience of healing and mindfulness
    Sun, Nov 12
    Location is TBD
    Join us for a sacred gathering - a sensory journey - reacquaint to your deep inner knowing. It is a remembering of who you truly are and feeling the magic of you! Cozy, fed, relaxed, uplifted, renewed, present... wouldn’t that feel so GOOD? We want that for you.
  • Roanoke Valley Holisticon (Free Admission)
    Roanoke Valley Holisticon (Free Admission)
    Sat, Oct 21
    Shrine Hall
    Free admission with many holistic vendors including me, Your Shamanic Priestess. I'll be offering handmade energy infused spiritual tools such as smudge wands & energy movers along with cacao, tea, & other goodies. More info soon. Send me an email with ???s at
  • Free Cacao Chat with Cacao tea share
    Free Cacao Chat with Cacao tea share
    Tue, Sep 05
    Join me for some cacao tea & discussion. I'll talk about ceremonial cacao & there will definitely be time for Q & A. You'll also learn about how to prepare your mind, body, & spirit for the upcoming Shamanic Journey with Cacao on Saturday, 9/16/23, at Glow should you be attending. Blessings & Love!
  • Glow & Grow Holistic Expo - Free Admission
    Glow & Grow Holistic Expo - Free Admission
    Sat, May 20
    Glow Healing Arts, LLC
    I'll be offering mini healing sessions and readings along with 20+ holistic businesses in Salem, Va at Glow Healing Arts from 1-5pm Saturday, May 20th. Come out to see me and send me a note if you'd like to schedule with me beforehand to secure your timeslot. More info on this event on Facebook.
  • Shamanic Journey with Cacao Sharing
    Shamanic Journey with Cacao Sharing
    Sat, May 06
    Glow Healing Arts
    Join us on a sacred journey with the beautiful plant medicine, cacao. Weather permitting we will gather by a fire outdoors to drink, explore, and journey together on Saturday, May 6, 6:30-8:30pm in Salem, Va. Click the button to register. Blessings and Love!
  • Roanoke Valley Holistic Expo (Free Admission)
    Roanoke Valley Holistic Expo (Free Admission)
    Sat, Apr 29
    Come see me at the Salem Civic Center in Virginia on Saturday, April 29th. Stop by and sample some yummy cacao tea, peruse the custom made spiritual tools I am offering, and let's discuss energy healing or any questions you may have about spirituality. Blessings and Love!
  • Spring Fling at Greenbrier Nurseries
    Spring Fling at Greenbrier Nurseries
    Sat, Apr 01
    I'll have free cacao tea samples and custom made energy infused spiritual tools including selenite smudge wands, energy movers, and beautiful themed candle magick! Stop by and say "hi" and try some "chocolate-y" tea.
  • Spring Cacao Tea w/ Ho'ponopono and an easy pretty paper flower  craft $22
    Spring Cacao Tea w/ Ho'ponopono and an easy pretty paper flower  craft $22
    Sat, Mar 18
    Creamy Cacao Tea, an easy Spring flower craft, and Ho'oponopono will be a potent combo for this gathering. There is limited seating so please RSVP and email Kim at: to arrange payment. Thank you!
  • Shamanic Journey with Sacred Ceremonial Cacao
    Shamanic Journey with Sacred Ceremonial Cacao
    Sat, Mar 04
    Glow Healing Arts
    Join us for a deep heart opening experience with the sacred plant medicine of cacao in combination with Shamanic Journeying.
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Your Shamanic Priestess Templates  (2).p
Your Shamanic Priestess Templates  (3).p
Your Shamanic Priestess Templates  (1).p
Copy of Lightworkers Landing Brand Book

includes a Sacred Anointing Ceremony video to support your connection with the oils

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Copy of Lightworkers Landing Brand Book


Copy of Lightworkers Landing Brand Book

Kim is an amazing beautiful healer that radiates so much love, warmth and compassion. Her gifts as a lightworker are grounding and humbling, taking us to a higher relationship with spirit. Kim's gifts bring in high vibrations both from Heaven and Earth. Her sacred role as a healer will bring you many blessings. Her gifts as a Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master, Starlight Energy vessel bring each experience a magical one. As an intuitive, channel and a talented artist a treasure awaits you as you work with Kim and her many gifts and healing modalities. 


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